Prudent Lad Daughters
JAD PRUDENT LAD 6157 was the calf that Shoshone Prudence 6157 was carrying when she came here in December of 2003. We have used him heavily and several of his sons and now grandsons making him the dominate bull in the ancestry of most of our young stock. I want to display several of his daughters so that you can get an idea of the type that he is siring as well as his prepotency. I’m not trying to promote Prudent Lad. He is deceased and there is no semen available for sale and it’s really not his genetics specifically that I’m concentrating. What I’m promoting is the type of many of his daughters and the reasonable expectation that his grandsons will sire daughters cut from the same mold. The above pictures are of JAD LUCY T72 and her bull calf JAD LUXOR YT72. What I hope you’ll see and appreciate, is her overall femininity. There is a softness throughout in these cows. In their eyes in their hair coats in their skeletal design they are soft like a white tail doe. Look at her neck her hip her shoulder her rib all indicators of femininity. You can’t tell it from the picture but she is always looking in the direction of her calf. She is soft in her demeanor also, kind, gentle, nurturing. She is the essence of maternal. Does it matter? Does it contribute to ranch profitability? Is it highly heritable? I guess everyone has to answer these questions for themselves. I will tell you that I like it and I like range calving cows with these characteristics. I’ll try to get some PL daughters pictured and posted in the near future.